Both EPB machines at the Springleaf launch shaft have been lowered down. The Woodlands Bound TBM is leading in the assembly works and is expected to launch first by February. 2 gantry cranes have been installed over the launch shaft. Similarly at the SBAB launch shaft, tunnelling works are scheduled to commence soon.
Excavation at the RTS Facility Building is almost completed. Ground improvement works continue at the cross passage locations between the SPL-RTS tunnel route.
Lowering of the bearing of the Changi Bound TBM on Dec 4 (T208 site office) |
Ground improvement works at CP4-6 between Springleaf and RTS FB |
Completed grouting at CP6 |
Grouting at CP5 |
Site preparations for CP4. Temporary bus stop has been relocated. |
RTSFB site |
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